Nowadays, headphones & earphones have become a important “friend” for everyone. When we are having a relax, working, playing games, and learning lessons, we all cannot leave without it. And with the launch of wireless Bluetooth earphones, now the earphones are more popular and most people love it.

But with the continuous development of headphones, what damages does the headphone cause to our body? Many people say that wearing headphones for a long time will damage hearing. Is this correct? And does the wireless Bluetooth earbuds have radiation problems?
Wearing headphones for a long time can damage your hearing?

Like other senses, there is a special hearing "receptor" in the ear - the ciliated cells in the cochlea. The reason we can hear the sound is because the ciliated cells are stimulated, and oscillate as the sound vibrates. However, once the cilia swings too much, the sensitivity is reduced and it will damage the hearing in the long run. This damage is gradual, and there is no obvious hearing change at the beginning, so it is always easy to be ignored. Once it is discovered, it is too late.
Relevant medical data also shows that when the volume heard by the human ear exceeds 85 decibels, the longer time can cause hearing fatigue. When the volume is above 110 decibels, it is enough to cause the hair cells of the human ear to die, and in severe cases, it can cause deafness.

So how do we prevent the damage that headphones bring to us?
Expert advice: "Do not wear headphones for more than 1 hour, the intensity should not exceed 2/3 of the maximum volume."
Do you want to use headphones and want to protect your hearing? Then remember these five points:
- 1.Noisy occasions, do not listen
- 2. Quiet occasion, low volume listening
- 3.Limit the maximum volume
- 4.The head design headphone is relatively safe
- 5. Avoid listening for a long time
If you feel tinnitus, hearing loss, pain in your ears, and secretions, please go to the ENT department for further treatment as soon as possible.
Does the wireless Bluetooth headset have radiation problems?
What is radiation?
Radiation refers to the phenomenon that part of the electromagnetic energy emitted by the field source propagates away from the field source and then returns to the field source, and the energy spreads out in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles (such as alpha particles, beta particles, etc.). Radiation itself is a neutral word, the name of energy transmission, and light is also a kind of radiation. Everything in nature, as long as the temperature is above zero in absolute temperature, such as the human body, is constantly transmitting heat in the form of electromagnetic waves and particles. This way of transmitting energy can be called radiation.

What is common radiation?
Radiation is divided into solar radiation, electromagnetic radiation and thermal radiation. Common electromagnetic radiation is emitted by electrical appliances. Any consumer has electromagnetic radiation, such as a light bulb. When the electromagnetic wave radiation intensity exceeds the standard amount, it will have a negative effect, causing different diseases of the human body, which may cause harm to human health. This part of the electromagnetic wave radiation exceeding the standard amount is electromagnetic radiation pollution.

What is the radiation value of the Bluetooth headset?
Expert organizations such as the World Health Organization and the IEEE said that the radiation of the Bluetooth headset was not found to be harmful to the human body.
The output power of the Bluetooth product is about 2 milliwatts, which is one-millionth of the power used by the microwave oven. It is one-thousandth of the power of the mobile phone (mobile phone). The radiation of Bluetooth headsets are more safe for the human body, and children and pregnant women can use it with confidence.

Of course, the output power is set to achieve its design purpose. The transmission distance of the Bluetooth headphone is about 10 meters, so only a very low power can be used to achieve the purpose of 10 meters transmission, and because the power of the Bluetooth headset is small, Its penetration ability is also limited.
In fact, the radiation of the Bluetooth earphone is almost negligible. For example, the fluorescent light in your room is larger than the radiation from the Bluetooth headset. Bluetooth headsets have low radiation, which is one of the reasons why many people are optimistic about Bluetooth headsets.