Enjoying movies and delicious food with your family ? Doing outside sports with your friends? Or traveling somewhere with your lovers?
No matter which way you did,i am sure you must take some beautiful photos to remember the happy time right ? However,when you are enjoying or sharing the nice photos with your friends and family,did you notice that there are always someone who beside you trying to peek at your cell phone.
It made you feel uncomfortable , but you cannot do nothing only take care of your important information from the phone or cast a glance at them and then put away your cell phone.
Today here LITO Shirley happy to tell you you that from now on you will never have to worry about your secret being peeped. LITO Electronic Technology Co.Ltd have already developed one kind of tempered glass screen protector that can help us to protect our mobile phone privacy in the public. Let’s see what is it.
"Hello,everyone. I am anti glare full cover privacy glass screen protector" I was born in Apr.2017 and ranked third of our privacy tempered glass screen protector family. My eldest brother named "Clear privacy tempered glass screen protector which was born in year of 2013. He also can help all of people to protect their privacy, but because for some mobile phones it cannot be covered entirely and people cannot see too much clearly while using the phone outside under the sunshine . And then after two years my other brother was born in 2015,it named "3D curved full cover privacy tempered glass screen protector " It can solve the full cover problem than my eldest brother but still left the same question that cannot see too much clearly under the sunshine outside,everyone who used them should turn on the mobile as bright as they can .With the hardworking staff of LITO R&D,i was born finally. I am not only the full cover privacy tempered glass screen protectors,but also anti glare glass screen protector.
Anyway,talking so much you may cannot wait to see me now right ? Ok,then here i am below, please don’t stare at me for too long,i will be shy.haha ……”
It is better to see for oneself rather than to hear for many times and we all known that actions speak louder than words,any question or more request pls feel free to contact LITO Shirley,here below are all of my contact.
Related tags: Glass Screen Protector,Privacy Screen Protector,Anti Glare Screen Protector